
Filipinos, how do I potty train a water buffalo?

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Filipinos, how do I potty train a water buffalo?




  1. It's a daunting task.

    They say you can always lead a horse to the stream, but you can't force it to drink.

    So much so to make a carabao force itself to eliminate body waste in a prepared bowl,  or a designated place.

    However, have no fear.  Aref is here.  I have this electrode with microchips in it.   Simply surgically implant same in the "poor thing",  and it shall happily oblige your every wish, even do a breakdance for ya'.

  2. Well, this story has been passed around so many times among drunkards.  And it goes this way....

       One farmer had a very hard time convincing his carabao to take a dip in the small lake nearby.  He had been under the heat of the blistering sun for several hours now...cajoling, enticing, bribing...anything just to get the carabao into the water.  The carabao was as hard-headed as any animal could ever be.  Exasperated and on the brink of exhaustion, he went near the carabao and whispered in its ear.  As quickly as it could,  the carabao made a mad dash into the water, submerging half of his body in it.

    What did the farmer say to the carabao that it took instant fright and jumped hastily into the water?

    Well, maybe you can ask the farmer to help you in your effort to potty train your water buffalo.  What worked for him and his carabao might also work for you and your water buffalo.  Wink!wink!

  3. Hold the butt and l**k everytime you want it to go

  4. you can't. Har-har-har. You are funny. just like your name and yet your avatar looks so virginal.

  5. with a VERY LARGE potty.............. or you could go down to the local mall pet store for recommendations about how they handle those tasks down at the mall.......

  6. You should show the buffalo how it should be done. after seeing you doing it repeatedly, it might get the gist.

  7. Oh, when I potty trained our buffalo, I demonstrated to him how to do it. Teaching by doing is always the best method, as if you didn't know.

  8. things you’ll need:

        * potty command

        * designated place for the buffalo to eliminate

        * cleaning products to remove s*hit in case the accident happened in your bed

        * consistency

        * patience

  9. you need a brain to do that- obviously you don't have one so... why not just **** the buffalo with your stuck up v****a?

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