
Filled in small rust spot about the size of a 1 cm dot with good touch up paint, will rust still spread?

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There was a very tiny little spot of rust the shape of a dot and maybe just half a centimeter in dimater on the front part of the hood on my 99 civic. It look liked it was just a small chip that went through the paint and just now started to rust. I used some touch up paint to fill it in and little bit around it (the car is black). Will the spot still get bigger and the rust spot still spread, or by using the touch up paint to fill it in did i now prevent it from spreading? That is, will the new touch up paint act as a protective coat over the rust area?




  1. If the paint is not a rust killing paint, then the repair is only temporary at best. You sand the rust off w/ fine grade sandpaper, primer the bare metal, then add a quality paint to cover the primer. Make sure you sand outside the diameter of the spot to make sure you get any rust that may have intruded under the good paint. Hope this helps.

  2. Rust is called the cancer of the metal.  It always comes back and it always spread.

    Even if you were to paint the INSIDE and the OUTSIDE the rust would most probably come back. But on cars, most of the time, you can only paint one side (outside) so it is guaranteed to come back.

    Good Luck...

  3. Rust is iron oxide, which forms when the iron atoms in the steel alloy of the car body get in contact with the oxygen molecules in the air or water. If you prevent the contact, there will be no rust. This depends on how well you isolated the rusted area.

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