
Film or Digital? - Blind study - You be the judge?

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So I took a couple similar pictures, one with a digital camera and the other with film. I am soliciting opinions as to which is better. In order not to promote bias, I'm holding back which is which for now.

Camera A:

Camera B:




  1. a. digital

    b. film

  2. As nick said the resolution on a computer screen is only around 73 dpi and once you have scanned a photo they are in essence both digital. The original film or print was already digitalized.  

  3. b - film

    a - digital

  4. I much prefer the color rendition in set A, and prefer the shots.

    With that said, however, I can see according to the tags that you used Velvia 100 on shots A, which explains the color rendition difference and my preference(I'm a huge Velvia fan).

    I agree that any further comparison is meaningless due to the small size of the image.  

  5. How on earth can anyone differ between two images when these are seen on a computer screen? A computer screen only shows between 72 and 75 dots per inch.

    For a fair test you need a printed version of both photographs.

    Unless you are willing to spend many tens of thousands of dollars on a digital camera, the film cameras still take better photographs.


  6. You should have deleted the tags on your pictures before you posted this  :)

    But it's obvious that the pictures taken with film are MUCH better.  The film pictures have a warmer tone with much better colors, whereas the digital pictures are overexposed with a very cold tone and blown highlights.  That's typical.  Most people just use a digital camera for taking snapshots, so they don't know the difference.  But the real truth is that film can take MUCH better photos.

    To be fair, I still won't say which pictures are which.  But I can definitely tell the difference.

    Also, I absolutely hate the name of that digital camera..."CoolPix"?  That reminds me way too much of all the lame pictures everyone posts on MySpace..."kewl pics."  Like, "check out my kewl pics on MySpace."  It doesn't even sound like it's a camera for real photography.  It sounds like a toy.

  7. A film

    B digital

    Only problem with your test is the photo's had to be digitized to place on internet.

  8. I like the stuff you did with your Bessa better.  Is that the 35mm 2.5 lens?

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