
Film script idea - where to go with it

by Guest21585  |  earlier

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Yeah, yeah, yeah you've heard it all before but I really have had a great idea for a modern day film remake on an old classic. Where do I go & what can I do so as not to get ripped off?




  1. You can't copyright an idea. Write the script, write up a treatment, put something on paper and copyright it. If it's a remake, there may be copyright issues. So make sure it's quite different in the details. If you're not a writer, contact agencies (google) or writers directly to find a writer to work with you on it.

    Just to let you know, there are "I wrote it, they stole it" lawsuits for pretty much every movie that's been made. There are very few truly unique ideas. Typically these lawsuits happen just because two people that came up with the same idea and no one stole anything. Especially if the subject is related to something that's been in the news lately. You have a higher chance of that happening if you're thinking of remaking a popular old movie.

    Good luck, it's worth a try. = )


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