
Filter for the air??

by  |  earlier

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Having a baby & wanting to keep my baby, the only place i can is live with my cusion. And the problem is my aunt is a smoker & the place reaks of it. i dont mind it but i kno its bad for my baby.. and well yea bad for me to. is there a special sort of filter i can get, to put in a room and close the door, so may baby can breath clean air??? Besides opening the windows lol u cant always do that




  1. Oreck air filter machines look like they work wonders on television but you can find models that will probably work just as well still maybe a little bit pricey but at Menard's or even Wal-Marts probably carry them

  2. buy an air filter or ask your aunt not to smoke inside the house for the sake of baby

  3. Your aunt should stop smoking for the baby, if thats not an option, window kept open as you said. There isnt a filter that will stop all those poisonous invisible gases from the smoke reaching your baby.

    ignore what people say about you having this baby, good luck :)

  4. It is important for you and your baby to breathe clean air.  You can buy air purifiers at discount stores or home improvement stores.  I suspect you don't have a lot of extra money with all the expense of a baby.  If you are still in school, you should consider going to the school nurse or your favorite teacher with your concerns.  The nurse may know of an organization or donor who would help you get what you need.  Same with your teacher.  If you were my student I'd buy you an air purifier myself, and I bet there are teachers in your school who would feel the same way if they knew that you were having this particular problem.  Just tell someone that you are worried about your baby's health in this situation and that you need some help.
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