
Filter question?

by  |  earlier

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i just wanted to know how to clean it and if i just pour water through the filter cartridge or if i have to replace it with the new one

and how often im i suppose to change it

its a 2.5 gallon tank





  1. Its often after keeping fish for a while that someone learns that they do not need to clean a filter as often as the box says. The filter holds microorganisms that help to turn toxic chemicals in the water neutral. If you are throwing away the filter every two weeks then you are basically starting the tank all over again. Personally I never change my filter's, BUT every six or seven months I will take them out and rinse them under running water to help clean away some of the build up. I only clean it because there is so much bacteria growing in the filter (which is good) that the water isn't passing threw it that fast anymore.

    You still need to do normal water changes (cleanings) whatever you want to call it, to his is own. These cleanings should be done about 2-3 times a month in a tank that is fully setup, and has been running for 4 months or more. If the tank is still new then the bacteria is not fully there yet, and so the chemicals need to be removed manually through water changes 1-2 times a week, but the filter should be left alone to grow bacteria.

    Since you have such a small tank once your filter is setup and growing good bacteria you will get to a point where you will never need to change the filter unless you want the water to flow faster. I have a ten-gallon that I have never changed the filter on, I just use a bubble curtain to get a current in the tank.

    Here is a good site

  2. You may not want to change your filter and do water change at the same time your filter holds alot of bacteria in it,wait a day or two so the water can run through the filter.

                                   Debbie O

  3. DON'T use soap that will kill the hole point of cleaning it cuz it will need to run for like a day and a half

  4. what you have to do is take out the cartrige and rinse off all sides of the cartrige. you shoul do this once every 1-2 weeks,

    which should be when you do a water change.

  5. change the fitler
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