Hi everyone, I finally got a 55 gallon tank that is being set up. For stocking ideas, I was considering the following that hopefully someone will help on. I already have one firemouth, so in addition to him, I was thinking:
1 JD, 1 Convict, maybe some swordtails or something for dither
1 Blood Parrot (I know it's a hybrid, I won't buy the dyed version, I just feel bad for these guys and I want at least one to have a chance at someone who will take care of him), 1 of the smaller, less aggressive cichlids (angel, curviceps, I'll take other suggestions too) and either tetras or swordtails
open to suggestions.
Also, what kind of filtration would I need? I have a 150 gph Aquaclear that is already seeded with bacteria on my 29 gallon which I will throw on there as a secondary filter. I think I'll also rig up a small sponge filter with an air pump I have. What else should I add? Thanks everyone!