I need my mother's signature to complete the corrections on my finacial aide applicaton. However, we live in different cities (same state), I live at a homeless shelter and dont have a phone. I can't make any long distance phone calls from the shelter without a code to reduce long distance rates. the problem is the only times i can call, she is teaching summer school. I leave messeges and email her but she never responds. she has the ability to check her emails at home. I am 22 years old but the fincial aide people still need my mom's signature. If i go to my dad i wont get as much from finacial aide. So I have 3 questions. 1. how do i get my mom to sign. 2. why do they need my mom's signature if i am not 25 & 3. is there away around getting my mom's signature even when the finacial aide office has told me no? I need it before july 14th so i can get the best times for my classes