
Final Question about Brain damage then I am done for today?

by  |  earlier

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This is to address my second concern about my behaviors (and quite possible others) that may cause brain damage. About every 4-5 hours I tend to release built up hyperactivity (I was diagnosed with ADD when i was a child) by playing rock music and slamming my head against a pillow (basically I go on my bed and do a push up but with a head-banging style). I try not to do it "too" hard but I am still very concerned about some underlying brain damage that might be done...?

Thank you guys for putting up with me :(, no really I mean it.




  1. Warren sweetheart, I want you to try something different than banging your head against the pillow, for release. Lay on your right side, and rock your body back and forth, back and forth, over and over until you are tired, then relax. You can start off as fast as you like, and go the rate you want, but do this. It will calm the brain.  

  2. your skull is pretty tough, pounding your head in a pillow isn't likely to do any damage at all, to your brain... but you could easily do a number on your neck.

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