
Final Thesis?

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I'm a Business Administration Student, Majoring in Marketing, I'm getting my Bachelor's degree in 2009. I was thinking about wanting my Thesis to be about the environment, Global Warming, Green Living or something in that category.

Any ideas on how to Combine Marketing and this topic??




  1. Very astute.  GW is an example of extreme marketing.  It literally is selling nothing, and getting paid for it.

    There is not much to add to Ben O's answer.

    One of the beauties of the scheme is the ability to reverse the story and go from global cooling, to global warming, and back to global cooling.

    Sell global cooling as long as people will buy it, when people say instead of cooling, warming is happening.

    Sell global warming as long as people will buy it, until people say instead of warming, it is cooling.

    Sell global cooling , and on and on.

    They have been doing the same thing since the 70's.

    Making a comparison to the "Rain Makers" of old would add interest.

    Congratulations on an excellent choice of topic.

  2. you, too can be at the forefront of the latest socialist scam!

    get a snazzy name like "green means go"! or "oil is for n***s"

    Patent and trademark it!

    sell carbon credits to gullible greenies, while setting up a false corporation you claim transplants trees that were already living "because they'll do more good over here"!

    buy a mansion in Tennessee!

    use more oil, gas, coal and electricity than god!

    write a book that claims the world is about to end in a fiery flood!

    claim yourself to be the Climate Savior!

    refuse to debate Anyone who knows anything about science!

    Win the Nobel prize!

  3. Well, yeah, actually.

    Some of the best marketing in history has been war propoganda, and pretty much that's what is needed.

    Our entire society needs to get very very serious about efficiency and non-oil based energy production within the next 20 years, or within our lifetimes, we will see not just our nation but oil-based civilization fall.

    See "The Long Emergency", and then relax with a follow up of "The End of Oil".

    Personally I found TLE to be seriously pessimistic, but unfortunately, it's not inaccurate.

  4. How about selling snow to the indigenous peoples of the Arctic (almost all labels applied to this group have been deemed un-PC, so choose your own carefully or suffer a violation notice from Y!A)...

  5. Both are two different streams yet you can combine them. Today global warming is affecting the globe at an alarming rate and because of that many problems are occurring. Resources are getting depleted and there is price inflation all over the globe. This has lead to a drastic fall in market. Money is not stabilizing and there is no or less money for the country to propagate the message of global warming and its ills. There are chances of a war and money is needed to back up the weaponry and replace the old weapons. So you see marketing can be related. If you want more info on global warming feel free to contact me:

  6. As an engineer in the construction industry, It's my job to give the client what they want, and this increasingly involves green building design as governments and large corporations try to improve their public image.  As in any business, the customer is generally right and it would be inappropriate for me to point out to them how completely over hyped, AGW is.

    Not withstanding, green industries (consulting, manufacturing and installing green products) tend to be very profitable and these companies have the advantage that not only can they access grants and government funds, get exclusive access to government jobs, they can also lobby politicians to outlaw their competition completely.

    The biggest market for green products is the government and marketing seems to be really easy.  It's quite legal to donate money to politicians and we all know (although nobody will admit it) donors get things in return like government contracts and favourable legislation.

  7. Start at the beginning

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    Go threw the stages of development and reasons for each of them

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    Keep it brief till you get to the era of mankind's development in technology that is your goal

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    This way you will of shown the seed of discovery and how it grew into the sun blocking tree so to say

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  8. The AGW propoganda couldn't spread without a good marketing plan.  Maybe you can show how the global warming movement is funded and propelled, and then show some examples of useful marketing practices as comparison.
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