
Final day of tryouts ands tryin some nike one platinums?

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tommorwos teh final day of my schools golf try outs and ive been using nike one black and power distacne supersoft and got 3 platinums, i found teh platinums stop amazingly well and i can spin em , does the platuimum slice easily? tell me everything good and bad aobut this ball for an easy ten points




  1. Spelling is not your best suit and learn that before you do too many tryouts. As for spinning a ball, if it isn't stroked properly, no ball will spin. If you have the skill to use the Nike # 1 Black continue with that ball. Good luck with your tryouts.

  2. The Nike One Platinum is the highest spinning ball on tour.  So yes you may find that it will slice more often as it will create more spin.  It is also the shortest ball on tour.  So if your looking for more spin, less distance and more likelihood of slicing it into the woods then use the One Platinum or use the longer less spining ball Nike One Black.  It depends if spin or distance is more important to your game.

  3. It's not the golf ball that goes in different directions, it's the person hitting the golf ball that makes the balls go in different directions. I found nike one platinum good but I think the one + black are better, go further and more control around greens.

    Have a good one...

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