
Final immigration interview.?

by  |  earlier

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we have received our letter saying our interview is scheduled. It also says that we need to pay fees.. We are applying for a cr-1 visa but it says payment of applicable fees is required prior to visa issuance, that the processing fee for immigrant visas is $400 and the application fee for k1 and k3 visas is $131.

Sorry if I seem inept but does this mean we have to pay application fees for a K-1 visa on top of the 400 and whatever else we have already paid?




  1. If you receive a letter stating a fee has yet to be paid, then they will expect the money. If the "wires got crossed" so to speak and you have already paid, I would bring proof of such (i.e. - cancelled check, money order receipt, etc.) to the interview - AS WELL AS THE MONEY, just in case YOU are the one mistaken and you really do have those fees yet to pay.

    The last thing you want is to have come so far & for your application to be tied up (or worse, denied) because of something so stupid as money.

    Good luck!

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