
Final moments in X Men evolution?

by Guest57134  |  earlier

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In the last episode of X Men evolution Xavier has a vision of the future where it shows us X23, Beast, Iceman, Storm, Shadow cat, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Rogue and Cyclops. In that scene Rogue is not wearing gloves and can fly how could that happen?




  1. Well I'm not sure why she doesn't have them, but I can tell you why she flies, at least from a comic book standpoint. She absorbed a lot of Ms. Marvel's power, like.. a whole lot. So much that she'll always be able to fly and lift like 40 tons over her head.

  2. i think X-men evolution could the first before the x-men series because it shows the things that happen in future like Jean grey becomes Phoenix and also Gambit and Colossus join with the x-men and other things*

  3. From the look of the costumes it looks like the future X-Men are based on the Ultimate X-Men. She is able to fly which means she absorbed Ms. Marvel at some point though why is a question since in Evolution she is already a good guy before she meets Ms. Marvel.She is also wearing Gambit's coat, which makes me think that the image is set after she absorbs gambit's powers and he dies. His powers negated hers, so she was able to touch people without absorbiung their powers, which is why she isn't wearing gloves.

    The only thing that doesn't make sense in my theory is the fact that her eyes aren't red and black the way they were when she absorbed Gambit's powers, but if she is a good girl, the flying bit after absorbing Ms. Marvel's powers doesn't make much sense either.

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