
Finally, I have the proof we've all been waiting for...?

by  |  earlier

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He's real!

Oh, the question....what is Ceiling Cat's punishment for not believing in him?




  1. You have to clean his litterbox for eternity!

  2. I iz a beleeverz

  3. He'll give you a look so adorable, YOU'LL DIE!  

  4. This was fun ....

    here's my answer and I am not even an atheist


    I was going to send another one but it was WAY to graphic .....  

  5. Ceiling Cats punishment will be that he has to get off the ceiling and live in the basement.

  6. you get to put him in a pillow case and swing him around your head(try this its so great, but with a neighbors cat, its cruel to yours)

  7. Eternal disembowelment from clock spider sounds suitable

  8. Cat scratch fever.

  9. The Ancient Egyptians beat you to your 'ceiling cat' worship theory by 3,600 years. Boring...

  10. I'm laughing my *** off, I a spiritual sense.

    OK, the evidence is piling up, but well Pascal's Wager work, when applied to CC?

  11. i can has communion!!!!!!!!!!111?

  12. That's just...funny

  13. this question has nothing to do with religion or spiritually.

  14. Leaving you on Earth during the final days of Catnarok.

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