
Finally getting married, do I really need rings?

by  |  earlier

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We've been together for 10 years, and we're thinking of just getting it official in a civil ceremony, nothing special - we're trying to get a house and our funds are for that. We just thought it would be cool to do it on 8/8. My mom gave me her rings, but I don't have a ring for him. Do I need to? I'm going to need to get my mom's resized, but I don't know if I have the $ to do it before then for myself. How much is it to get married by a Justice of the Peace? Living in PA. Thanks!




  1. Rings are totally an option - no one 'needs' them, they are simply an indication of your vows, and they are left over from the middle ages when the groom gave the bride a bag of coin or gold to indicate he would support her.  Some civil courts make you exchange rings, though (like Manhattan City Hall) People often borrow rings or use plastic ones <grin>.  Some people use wooden ones or soapstone or silver street vendor ones as substitutes until they get others made.

    Civil court weddings vary, just ask when you get your license in PA.  Some bigger cities have bigger fees, but it's usually $25-40, in addition to the license.  

    Good luck!

    Here is a link on how to find the regulations and locations by each County in PA

  2. go on ebay. I got me fiances ring for $10. I was originally a $350 ring but i guess the groom broke up with her a week before the wedding so she was basically giving it away... There are tons of those things on there... good luck

  3. If they need to be reduced in size, you can usually get it done for less than $40. If they need to be enlarged, you might want to find some jewelry made of the same metal that you don't mind scrapping. It'll be cheaper that way. You can also get a wedding band for him for less than $40. Try gold-plated steel. You can always upgrade later.

  4. rings are optional & some guys don't want them anyway - up to the two of you.  But you can get them fairly cheap - even at Wal-Mart.   You can "Google" wedding officiants for your area - call & get some prices - they may all be booked for 8-8 though - it's going to be a popular date!

  5. I don't think you have to have rings but it is nice to have them as part of the ceremony. Here are some really inexpensive bands that would suit for the time being, titanium is great because it is super affordable, the only bummer is you can't have them sized.

    If you happen to wear a 6 and he a 12, this one is $20 and shipping is a buck today.

    for $45 here is tungsten, same as titanium and can't be sized, but when these first came out they were like $600

  6. Pawn Shop?

  7. why don't you ask your fiance? he may WANT to wear a wedding ring....

  8. yes,get him a cheap ring that look like a washer that goes to a s***w. probably under $50

  9. Ask him. You don't need rings, but maybe he wants one.  

    My guy has been married before and wants a ring this time around.  It is important to him. Go figure?

  10. My sister just recently got married. It was $95 for them to get married and then $30 to perform the ceremony at the court house ( which she decided not to do) They did not have rings but decided to get them later.

    Do what is BEST for you in your situation =0)

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