
Finally have a pretty good overhand but...?

by  |  earlier

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It took me a season and a half, but i finally got my overhand pretty good.

Its not very consistent though.

4 out of 10 times, itll be one of those hard to deal with ones, but sometimes it'll just be average, then the other times i'll just smack it and it dont go very far. Help!


my coach says that i definitely have the power and potential for a very hard accurate serve and its starting to show through.

(i overheard her saying this to our co-coach)




  1. when you serve you need to make your toss high and towards the side of your body with the hand you serve with..then your footwork is important should start with your left foot slightly forward if you are right handed (reverse if your a lefty) and after you toss step with your rght foot..before you toss you should hold a flat firm hand (meaning that you wrist and fingers dont move when you shake your hand) after tossing and stepping you are going to swing staight with your arm BUT DONT FOLLOW THROUGH!!!!! stop where you hit the ball..this makes the ball go over the net straight and not go down before it gets there...goodluck!!

  2. It could be one of two problems.  

    You could still have an inconsistent toss.  If your toss is good, your serve is good.  If it is off a little, then the serve is OK.  If your toss is off a lot, you miss your serve.  Practice your toss without hitting the ball.  Do at least 100 tosses each day.  Do 10, take 1 minute off, do 10 and so on.  

    The other problem is really less likely.  You could be getting used to having your serves go in.  You stop watching the ball all the way to contact so you can watch the ball go in.  Make sure you watch the ball.  The team will let you know when it goes in.  So will the referee.

  3. make sure when you toss the ball it is over your right shoulder (unless you are left handed it is your left shoulder) and swing with a big, open hand, and a strong wrist. your tosses must be consistent, and swing when the ball is at the top of your arm's reach. follow through with your arm where you want the ball to go.

  4. practice...that's how my serves were at the begging of the season...i practice my serving every chance i get...and now i have one of the most accurate serves on my team...all you can do is practice...good luck!

  5. to overhand serve if u r short jump a little bit to get more power to get it over the net but first put ur left or right hand out which ever one you use to hit with straight out in front of u. then pull it straight bak so ur hand is rite next to ur shoulder. then throw the ball up with the other hand. and then with your left/right hand pull up so its like your elbow is parallel to your shoulder then hit the ball in the palm of your hand and it should go over the net

  6. as a volleyball player myself it took me almost a year to get my overhand serve done but now i can do a jump serve, floater, and overhand. the key things to work on are timing of the toss and being sure to follow through straight down and not across your cheat. good luck and keep practicing.

  7. good luck.

    keep practicing, and maybe get a private serving coach

  8. I believe you know how to serve. You just need to have some idea regarding how to challenge yourself.

    It takes time to get there, so don't push yourself too hard. If your coach says you can get there, you will be there. If she is not saying you have to get there "now", you do not have to be good 10 out of 10 at this time.

    You can get there earlier by working hard, and practicing more serves during each practice.

    Serve the ball to the middle of the opponent court should be your starting goal.

    Once you feel more confident, pick your target and serve ten into the same target.

    Put some objects as 6 players on the other side and try to hit one of them consistently. Then hit into the "gap" between two players.

    Try serving into four corners "consistently", meaning when you want to but not when it lands there.

    Try serve and "hit the setter", forcing the setter take the first hit.

    You will be there.

  9. What am I supposed to help you with?? All I am going to say is good luck! If your coach says you can, then you can! Practice a ton and just do your best! that's all that matters! Good luck!

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