
Finals coming upppp....helllppp?

by Guest56893  |  earlier

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Okay so finals are this week. They start on Tuesday and now i'm stressing out cause i don't have much time and i really need the time to just focus and study. But i feel like i have no time and i will just fail. Any advice on how to succeed and try my best to pass? Any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks :)




  1. Your still in school?

    Wow. I've been out for like 2 weeks now.

    Put your mind to it and do it and be glad when it's over!

  2. Suicide, it the only way.

  3. head down into books. you only remember 30% of content when you read it, but that amount u remember goes up 15-20% each subsequent reading

  4. Study what you need to study, and then sleep, and then study it some more. When you study and then sleep, your brain retains and files the information you have gone over, so when you go over it again later, you will be able to remember it a lot more easily. G-luck Brenda

  5. Dont stress yourself out and get some sleep beforehand. Trust me, it really does make a huge difference.

  6. 1.get out of the computer and disconnect your Internet so you have no distractions with a friend or a family member so they can test you in the subject.

  7. Drink lots and lots of energy drinks.

  8. i have the same problem

    i havent reallly studyed

    just study

    sleep early

    eat a good meal

    and just be confident when taking the tests

  9. be brave start u r study hard avoid to west time..

    constrate on study only

  10. studu stduy!

  11. If you stress yourself and get overwhelmed you will get nothing done. Sit down now and schedule out when your finals are and designate time to study each- Ive been there when you think that even if you studied now until the minute before the exam, you would still fail. My only advice is, and I know it is hard, but dont stress just work hard! Stressing makes everything way worse. So plan out what you will do well and study each subject hard on the designated day. Within each subject, overview everything thatll be on the test- make sure you know the stuff you understand,  and review the rest. If there is one section you simply do not understand and really have no chance at getting it before the finals, skip it- it will only be one section of the final and you'll get more points if you know the rest of the stuff really well and you'll just lose points on that one part. Stay up late and study, but the night before lots of studies have shown that as cliche as it sounds getting some sleep will help you perform way higher on your test. 2 more hours of studying in the middle of the night will likely not be retained and will be a wasted two hours when you could be providing the necessary sleep your brain needs to perform well and retrieve all the info you have been cramming into it in the next few days. GOOD LUCK! breath, relax as much as possible, and eat breakfast the day of (again cliche but very necessary :))

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