
Finance Final Questions Please HELP?

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What is the difference between a straight bond and a convertible bond?

What is the difference between a Eurodollar bond and a Yankee bond?

Briefly explain the difference between indirect and direct exchange rate quotations?




  1. a convertible bond is equal to a straight bond PLUS the value of the optionality embedded in the convertible bond, which is the option to convert the bond into the issuing compapny's common stock.

    a eurodollar bond is when a company from country X, issues a bond to an investor in country Y, but that bond is denominated in US dollars.  the yankee bond is the same, except that the bond is issued to an american investor, or atleast on an american exchange.

    i don't know the last one.  google it.  

    srsly, i don't midn answering all your finance Qs, but it would take you less time to just google these questions...

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