
Finance Question I was not to sure of ?? 2 out of 50 ain't bad! Can U help?

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Briefly describe political risk and economic risk and their impact on a country’s currency value.

Briefly describe and explain the difference between the current account balance and the capital account balance.




  1. the higher the political and ecnomic risk, the more negative impact is has on a countryy's currency value.   look at the crazy inflation in the s. american adn african countries where they have political turmoil, and crazy inflation (reduction in value of their currency) b/c of it.  in a way, a country's currency is like a check issued by a's only as good as the bank's word...i.e. if a govmt comes to power saying, we're changing the denomnation of our currency, or we're not honoring our bonds we issued 5 yrs ago, then the currency is worth that much less.

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