
Financial Risk to Jump Ship and Move to a Bigger City (without a job)?

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So, I've been job-hunting for months to no avail in my rural town. I have an M.A in English and every job (including minimum wage) has shot me down cold. Most said I'm overqualified.

I love my town and my cheap apartment. But the prospects of working in this town are grim and I don't think I'll ever be employed here.

I have some savings. Should I just move to a big city without a job (I'm thinking somewhere in Texas)?

The reason why I am panicking is because my landlord has been letting me stay in my apartment month-to-month. However, she just told me that she wants to know how much longer I plan to stay because she wants another fixed 9 month lease VERY SOON (which I don't want to be trapped into). I can't afford 9 months rent if I'll be unemployed the whole time.

So should I just pack up and head to a bigger city and look for a job? I figured it would be more economical than flying/driving hundreds of miles for job interviews.

Help please!




  1. Nothing ventured, nothing gained !  You can stay in that town and turn into a nothing.  If you have any ambition than get to work.  Get newspapers from the Cities where you feel is best for you.  Make applications in writing and send your resume' to them.  Do not make a move until you are sure you have something to go to.  Set up interviews with types of business's you really enjoy.  MY AXIOM: Do the job you love and love the job you do.  Work hard, be honest, don't gossip, find things to do when you are not busy, get to work early and stay late. Your   Employer will have their eyes on you and you will be the first to make a promotion.  God Bless

  2. Take heart..... in every sector of business that degree in English will take you far. Many are a genius in regard to what they do but few know how to just sit down, write something and communicate effectively.

    I faced the same as you once upon a time. It is tough to figure out where to go and where to live. It might not be for you but after I added all of that up I joined the military. The problem later was not getting a job but later trying to figure out what opportunity to take.

    Regardless of what path you take..... with all sincerity I say good luck to you and wish you well.

  3. Chances for employment are better in larger cities which have several active industries and when the prospective employee has chances to interview, face to face. Whereever you go contact the local YMCA and find the cheapest rent available as a temporary residence. If something turns up which interests you, make a more permanent commitment . If you have had no luck in the small rural town, certainly chances are much better in a bigger city. You should always be able to find minimum wage employment to tide you over.

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