
Financial aid for college denied.... questions about apeals (TX).?

by Guest60848  |  earlier

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My husband and I arew in our 30's and have gone back to school starting last summer. He had tried once before a few years ago and failed all courses due to country internet issues.

We got a letter saying he didn't complete 75% and a 2.0 GPA so he gets no aid this fall. Although he can send an appeal letter to the board ASAP.

We have to have that - we have 4 kids at home and can't pay outta pocket - I am SAHM. He can appeal this and we have many GOOD reasons why it is like this...


he works rotating 12 hrs...

we do all classes online and some just shoudln't be online

we realized math was too hard online and are in summer school to do it out of pocket - he has an A (but its remedial)

we plan to do at least 1 course on campus nxt semester

What are the chances they will overturn the decision and let him do aid probhation for the next semester??????

They only put me on probhation not denial.... but he was denied.




  1. well if you aren't going to go to class or sign-in online then you shouldn't be taking my tax dollars It appears they had good reason to deny you and I would say they won't hear an appeal

  2. If the money was contingent on maintaining satisfactory academic progress (and it sounds like it was) then there is nothing you can do about it, unfortunately. They are not going to overturn their decision because of your economic hardships. Since the money is probably from the DOE, the decision is essentially out of their hands as the way in which they distribute monies are regulated by the government.

    He will have find other options for funding his education. In other words, you are out of luck.

  3. Unfortunately the appeal with the school is the only option you have.  Thus putting it directly in their hands.

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