
Finch problem?

by  |  earlier

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I had found a adult finch (theres tons of them everywhere where I live) and I notice something strange about him, he was tipped over on his front, and he didn't move very well (I could go right up to him without him flying away) I thought he was wounded but I looked him through, and he had no injuries, I brought him into my house and put him in a cage, he couldn't stand up (almost like he broke his leg or something) he started to close his eyes, which sacred me, I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know, so I gave him water, and some meal worms (I thought he would eat them) and he just layed there (he was breathing fine) and I went to bed, when I awoke, he was dead.

I want to know if these brids suffer from a parasite or something that kills them, cause I had a baby finch and he died(too young I was told by a vet)




  1. It really could have been anything..mabye it had escaped from a cat, or maybe it was stunned from hitting a window and had head trauma.  If it had any wounds from a would have died within 24-48 hours without treatment as cats carry a lot of bacteria in their saliva causing infection and death quickly.

  2. could been of the cold during the night. He/she couldn't find a decent preotected place to sleep, and the wind probably made him to cold and weak. Or he got very wet before nightfall, and the evaporating water mad him cold, and he couldn't warm up during the night. It happens to other birds too.

  3. May be as well as a disease or mere age. Vectors like mosquitoes, lice, etc thrive on the finch. Maybe it ate something psns. There are millions of possibilities.
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