I had found a adult finch (theres tons of them everywhere where I live) and I notice something strange about him, he was tipped over on his front, and he didn't move very well (I could go right up to him without him flying away) I thought he was wounded but I looked him through, and he had no injuries, I brought him into my house and put him in a cage, he couldn't stand up (almost like he broke his leg or something) he started to close his eyes, which sacred me, I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know, so I gave him water, and some meal worms (I thought he would eat them) and he just layed there (he was breathing fine) and I went to bed, when I awoke, he was dead.
I want to know if these brids suffer from a parasite or something that kills them, cause I had a baby finch and he died(too young I was told by a vet)