
Find a phone number in Ireland online?

by  |  earlier

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I need to find a telephone number in Donegal Eire, and because I live in Spain, it would be easier if I could do it online....anybody know how, or would a kind Irish person look it up in the directory for me?




  1. Ok I am from Donegal in the republic of Ireland and here is the number you are looking for given below. It depends what part of Donegal you are looking for cos different parts have a different area code. I am in Ballybofey and the area code is 074 other parts is different. You drop the 0 when dialing an internation number like from Spain for example

    0035374 +Telephone number.

    00 + 353 + Area Code+ Tel

  2. Try the Golden Pages

  3. This should help,

  4. ill do it for you if you want, e mail me the name.

    im irish by the way

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