
Find dy/dx for the function xy^2 +x lnx =4y for x>0?

by Guest57650  |  earlier

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  1. xy^2 +x lnx =4y

    apply differential to both sides:

    d[xy^2 +x lnx] = d [4y]

    d[xy^2] + d[x lnx] = d [4y]

    d[x] y^2 + x d[y^2]    +    d[x] lnx + x dln[x] = 4d[y]

    y^2 dx + x 2ydy    +     lnx dx+ x 1/x dx = 4dy

    group terms with dx and dy:

    (y^2 + lnx + x/x) dx +  2xy dy = 4dy

    (y^2 + lnx + 1) dx =  (4 - 2xy)dy

    finish by yourself

  2. u hv to use chain ruke in this case,since v r differentiating wrt X in case of y we wil treat it as X bt will then also multiply it wid dy/dx......

    differentiating d given expression wrt X,

    2x[der of x^n= n. x^n-1]  y^2 + x^2 2y dy/dx[derivate y as x only ] +  log x . 1[since  derivative of x is 1]+x . 1/x[since derivative of log x is 1/x]=4 dy/dx[der of y=1 bt since v r derivating it wrt to x multipy it wid dy/dx]

    nw take dy/dx on one side. ur expression nw bcumz as

    [2xy^2 +logx +1] / 4-x^2y

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