
Find family records?

by Guest34387  |  earlier

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please help, i need to find my recently deceased uncles past addresses, how can i do that for free on the net please respond quickly, please dont respond if you dont know




  1. If that were possible all our identities would be stolen...

  2. Public record searches on sites like will give you addresses from the early 90s until 5 years ago. It's not free from your home computer, but it is if you use Ancestry from your local library.

  3. If this is in the U.S., you can search for him in the Social Security Death Index, which you'll find at Just enter his name and death date; the results will tell you the county, state and zip code of his last address.  With that info, you can search the online white pages.  Since he passed away recently, he may still be listed.  If not, you could look for his obituary at his local newspaper's website.  The obituary may list the funeral home that handled his funeral; you can give them a call and see if they'll give you his address.

  4. I know of two sites that have and You MIGHT find some of it also using, and public directories.

    However.. please throw out the word "free".  If a site invests money to compile the info.. then they recoup the investment by selling it.  

    There also might be records at the couthouse, in the county where he lived.. these won't be online.

    Your use of the phrase "family" records is a bit inaccurate, since what you want is not necessarily related to how persons connect to each other, or ancestors.

    If urgent, you might have to hire a private investigator. They have the skills and resources to find many things.

  5. ever tried asking your mum
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