
Find me this cup!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i got my mom a coffee cup for christmas and i dont remember what the brand is...

the cup is alot ike a thermus, it has a s***w on lid with a mouth spout the cup its self is stainless steel and the handle is just really tough plastic. the handle can be switched from side to side and um there used to be a rubber bottom to it.

she loves it and i want to get her a new one but for the life of me i cant remember where i got it or what the brand is... can you help me??? please???




  1. Could it possibly be Nissan?

    They have a LOT of insulators, s***w cap food jars and stainless steel travel mugs. Take a look on amazon, and the sites I provided and see if the mugs there look anything like the mug you are searching for. Hope it helps!

  2. you can find these thermus type things at walmart, target, or starbucks

  3. try a hardware store or walmart..
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