
Find out status of land I bought in 1963 in Brazil?

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I hope you can help us.

My mother bought 55.000 square meters of land (2 parcels) in “MARASIL – Municipio de Formosa – Estado de Goias – Brasil”. The purchase was on 1963. I understand this area is mostly for farming.

She does not the status of this land. It could be reposess by the goverment of Brazil or 'invaded' by farmers or maybe is available.

I have the original title.

We are looking for guidance about who can we hire to do an inspection on the land and send us a report, so we know what to do with the land.

I called the Consulate of Brazil in LA and they told me they can't help.

We live in United States – Los Angeles

Could you help us?

Thank you,





  1. Unfortunately, a lot of what I read in doing searches for an answer to your question seems to indicate that land ownership is superceded by squatters' rights or government repossession in Brazil.  I did, however,  find the following link to a site which may be able to help you to establish your claim:

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