
Find out what sound card I have to install drivers!?

by  |  earlier

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I have another computer, the problem is that sound isn't working, meaning I need the drivers (yes there is a sound card :-) ). What program should I use to find out my sound card so that I can then go get the drivers. Thank You.




  1. try installing windows vista in your computer.  if you have internet connection it should automatically look for the drivers in the internet as part of its updates

  2. If vista search device manager and go to the sound section, if Xp go to control panel classic view than find device manager. Also if you tell me which computer you have I could most likely tell you.

    Good Luck!

  3. is it onboard or dedicated

    if it onboard sound, findout who makes the mother board

    if its a dedicated card, take a look at the card, should says it on it.

  4. MOST go to the control panel and click system info then possibly settings. you may also go to device manager (2000, 98, or xp control panel then system then properties then hardware then device manager. vista there is an device manager icon on control panel) make sure when device manager you click view (on top) then hidden devices go down the list of devices and when you find a sound card right click on the sound card then to properties and you can find out make serial# and if the card is working. if there are no drivers installed in your computer you will have to use another computer and go to the sound cards manufacturers website and locate a driver when you do you can copy it to a floppy most don't let you burn a disk. good luck! if you have the card that came with your system you can get drivers off your recovery disk (one that says utilities and applications) that came with your pc when you bought it

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