
Find some more friends on Yahoo 360? XD?

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Does anyone knows how to do this? Are if you do have a Yahoo 360 page, would you like to be my friend? XD I don't really know why am I doing this, I just feel like I want to, that's all. It's doesn't matter if you are an Asian/ American/European or African XD, all I want is to get to have more nice friends on my Yahoo 360 page!! XD Kaka!! I'm Tarah XD!!




  1. I'm pretty selective with who I add to my 360 (as in, I don't add people right away), but I do have tips for you:

    At the top of your 360 space is a "Search" link. You can find blogs that skew toward what you're looking for there. You can search for people via nickname, keywords, and location. You can search by real name and e-mail addresses only if the person has enabled that option. That page and also your "Home" page lists "Interesting Pages" as well.

    Also, click on the Answers categories on the left and go to those sections that interest you. Scope out people answering questions on those topics, then click on their avatar and check out 360 profile, if they have it listed.

    If you find anyone you like (anywhere), then click on the "Add" link under their picture on their 360 page and add them as a "Favorite". You can always take them off your Favorites list (which is private) later. Send them a message and/or leave a comment (if allowed), introduce yourself, get a conversation going, and then see if they want to add you as well by sending a legitimate invitation (to be fully connected as a friend).

    You can do the same by joining Yahoo! Groups. Go to , to see where you might want to meet new people. A group to check out is the Y-360 Friends group at .

    Also, make sure to check out the "friends" of any new friends that you make. They may be cool to invite too.


    - Finding "active" users is key to a great Y!360 experience. Try to connect with people who have a decent amount of content about themselves on their Y!360 (which means you should have the same on yours), people who comment on their friends pages, people who update their blogs often.

    - Be active yourself. Visit other blogs and develop online relationships with others. On sites less dedicated to social networking features, commenting on other blogs and having people comment on your blog is very important.

    - Wherever you can, you should put a link to your blog. Your profiles (including your Y/A profile, if you haven't already), your signature in personal e-mails, and etc. Send a link to it to all your contacts (friends and family) and encourage them to pass it on.

  2. Sure you can add click my name and add me i need more friends too, lol

  3. Be my friend!

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