
Finding VNTR locus alleles, tandem repeat (TAA)n, n is between 5 to 15.

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a human VNTR locus contains a tandem repeat (TAA)n, where n may be between 5 and 15. how many alleles of this locus would you expect to find in the human population?




  1. superb question!  

    i have no specific answer.

    i suspect no one else does either.

    please let us know the answer, if one is available, as i am sure any response will stir up great controversy and stimulate conversation!

    cool karma is all over the this question,




  2. If a person has 5 repeats, then they would have 15 nucleotides in the repeating unit of the VNTR (5 repeats x 3 nucleotides).  This counts as one allele.  If they have 6 repeats, then they have 18 nucleotides in the repeating unit.  This would be another allele.

    So, the alleles are the 5-15 repeats.  This makes 11 total alleles.  (While 15-5 = 10, you have to include both 5 and 15, so that makes a total of 11.)

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