
Finding a home school teacher?

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How do you go about finding a teacher to home school your children? Are there special home school teacher sites? Do you put out an ad somewhere? Any helpful information you can provide would be super! Thanks

PS - we live in NH




  1. In most (not all) homeschooling scenarios, the parent is the teacher.  If you are looking for a tutor, you might want to advertise.  If you are looking for a homeschooling mother to assist you with homeschooling your children, you might want to attend a homeschool support group meeting in your area.

    You can also start with learning the homeschooling laws in your state and how to legally homeschool.  The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) has information on this along with other information on how to get started in homeschooling.  The links are below:

    I hope this is helpful.

  2. Try craigslist,

  3. This last year we used the ABEKA DVD teachers.  We compared what a private teacher would cost for our 6th grader and felt that this would be better on our budget and it solved our problem with scheduling conflicts.

    They are in the comfort of their own home, however the teacher addresses the "Student at home" and lets them feel like they are part of the class.

    Now my 1st & 3rd graders want to do it next year.  

    They also have an accredited high school DVD program you can do and go through their graduation line.

    We are also considering for next year BJU PRESS


    my sister in law did "k12" online but wasnt too impressed with it, Ihave heard some having success with it.

    If you just start searching for online teachers you will find there are a few out there, however you will pay for it!(Unliess your state does!)

  4. The parent is usually the home school teacher. Otherwise it would be more of a tutoring situation. We are however in a co op that meets once a week and different parents teach classes that are their expertise. To find a co op, check with local churches or even just the library.

    Good luck

  5. I disagree with HS Mom.  Homeschooling means that the parents and child direct the child's education outside of the school system.  This means different things to different families, and yes, it can include tutors.  It can also include your child attending classes of various sorts.  Some of these classes might be just for homeschoolers and some might be after-school classes.

    In order to find tutors, your best bet is to contact your local homeschool support group and/or your state homeschool association(s).

  6. i am home schooled and i go to a home school coop on Fridays and other moms teach me and 100 more kids it is really great its fun and you learn allot. the teachers give you homework you have to Finnish over the week. hope you find what you need! god bless!

  7. That's not homeschooling.  That's private tutoring.  So you look for private tutors in ads, online, etc.

    Homeschooling is where the parent teaches, or acts as a mentor (when a child takes an online course from a certified teacher).

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