
Finding a job in Jamaica WI?

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I currently reside in Canada, I am looking to move to Jamaica, my partner lives there, I have my degree in social work and would like to do this there, however at this point I am willing to pretty much do whatever. I am hoping to be in Jamaica by Sept. I have searched the internet for jobs and I haven't had much luck, just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or advice to help me with my move.

thanks to anyone who can offer some help




  1. wel a job in jamaica i dont think is a gud idea a lot of ppl struggle. but if ur lucky mayb kingston [ its dangerous tho]

  2. Within the past couple of weeks, someone who has moved to Jamaica to work posted a long answer about this.  Bottom line is that it's very difficult.

    I suggest you go to the official Jamaican government website and look for your info there.

  3. there is a great website calle

    try it,,,good luck

  4. I also would love to move to Jamaica! My boyfriend lives there.Someone told me the hotel industry.i am thinking of taking some classes in hotel manangement! I am in the medical field(not a doctor or nurse, though) An emergency room technician.I know they don't have that there.The economy is very hard there,but i am going to try anyway,good luck to you and your partner.

  5. I have had no luck either ,but maybe some locals from Jamaica can help. My honey is also a Jamaican,Good luck!

  6. Sunday Jamaica Gleaner - Classified section. A lot of jobs are posted there. is also a good site for finding jobs.

    Since you are in social work, you can try emailing or calling the Ministries to see if they have available openings.

    However, the way Jamaica operates can be a very "it's who you know" kind of thing so it could help to have your partner ask around.

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