
Finding a job in italy?

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i am going to either attend central saint martins in london or a school here in the states for fashion design. if i wanted to move to italy after finishing school, would i be able to find a job there. i speak spanish and Basic italian. would they not want to hire me if i come from a different country??is it really competitive??




  1. It's very difficult for people outside of the EU (European Union) to get a job within an EU country. You can't just put in some applications as you would do here in the States.

    First off, you'd need a visa. In order to get a visa you'd have to prove that you were able to financially able to support yourself OR you'd have to have a job lined up already in Italy.

    Italian companies are reluctant to hire foreigners, unless you have some super awesome skill that they cannot find from a local person. It's too much time, energy and money for them to have to fill out the paperwork to hire a foreigner who has basic skills.

    With that said, I won't say that it's impossible.

    Before I moved to Paris I heard the same thing.

    When I got to Paris I realized that I could actually make a living giving tours and teaching English privately. I'm a writer, so my business is portable, and I never had to do those things.

    But it was interesting to see what other people were able to do to make their way.

    Anyway, hope that helps.

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