
Finding biological parents from an adoption - HELP!!?

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My husband was adopted in the early seventies. His adopted mother swears she never met the parents and that they went through a private agency. Well, the agency was then shut down, so supposedly, the paperwork got sent somewhere and we don't know where or even how to begin this search! We are mainly wanting to know about any health concerns we should be aware of, since we have a small child. Any help would be appreciated!




  1. Ask around til you find any kind of agency, then ask then where the papers for your husband was sent, and they may have an idea. l'm 18 and adopted, and l'm looking for my two brothers. We were all seperated, and i miss them. But you can just ask around, and you may be suprised if someone knows something. That's how i found out.

  2. The records were likely moved to another location and you should be able to determine who has them by contacting the state.  The state also should have records of this adoption since legal papers needed to be filed.

    You don't indicate which state you are talking about so I can only give you general information on where to begin.

    go to this link to find specific information regarding the state he was adopted in.

    He should also register with the following sites as well as any state sponsored and state specific sites that you can find online.  check the 2nd two sites for possible matches as well.  Remember that each adoption case is different and depending on the circumstances at the time the birth mother may not remember the exact date of birth so look at each registry with the time frame and match details.  Sometimes they are off by a year, it can be a very traumatic and details can be forgotten. (not .com or .org!!!!) .net is free the other's are pay

    Good luck!

  3. There is loads of search help available out there and, having 3 small children of my own, I can totally understand the need for up-to-date family medical history

    His parents probably didn't meet the parents back then - they were kept separate from each other and he most likely spent a little time in foster care too

    Please let me know which State he was born in and I'll do my best to put  you in touch with search help.

    If your husband is fortunate enough to have been born in one of the few States that no longer has sealed records the first step might be to get his original birth certificate, if he has not got that already.

    Do ask him to sign up to ISRR if he hasn't already.  This is probably the larges reunion registry out there and it's good to have your name on as many of those as possible to ensure the chances of a match being made.

  4. You could contact the bar association to find out where the agencies paperwork may have been placed.  Depending on your state, your husband may be able to have his court records opened.  

    For your own comfort, rarely does it make any difference having the medical information.  For instance, today, with so many people being overweight, they are getting problems that were not seen in their family history such as type 2 diabetes.  My Mom never had any information on her father's family and yes, we clearly have some genetic problems. However, it made no difference in early diagnosis.

  5. Please email me the state you're searching in, the state the adoption was finalized in that is.

    Better yet, go here:

    click on the state you're searching in

    click on "access to adoption records"

    The state access laws will come up. Get his non identifying information and start searching for search and support groups especially search angels for that state online or local.

    register with and good luck! thats an excellent start, one door leads to another :)

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