
Finding my niche in writing.?

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I write stories, and hope to eventually publish someday. I've noticed that some of the greater writers of a genre tend to mainly write for that genre, which I'm assuming is there passion. I enjoy both reading and writing numerous different genres such as sci fi, action and adventure, historical, thriller, fantasy, etc. The problem is that I commonly vary between these genres and find it hard to determine which one I like the most. Now I'm not going to choose a genre and ignore all the others. I'm just wondering if it's a bad thing to vary so much. Should I just keep writing what I feel like until I figure out my niche? Should I make a list of what books are my favorites and see which genre they commonly reside in? Or what? For now, since I'm only 15 and won't be a professional for years to come, I know that finding my niche wont chain me down in anyway, but it's just something I'd like to know.




  1. First of all I wanted to address your comment about your age.  Technically age does not matter when it comes to writing and becoming published.  Look at Christopher Paolini's success if you do not believe me because he wrote eragon when he was only 15 years old.  Publishing can be difficult for anyone regarless of age especially since our economy has declined because people are not buying books like they once did.  

    With that out of the way, the only advise I could give you would be to write what interests you.  If you like mysteries but also like fantasy you can create a story mixing the two genres together to form something new.  Not all published authors write under a specific genre and some well known authors write under more than one genre.  For instance,  Noral Roberts is a well known romance author but she also writes mystery novels under the pseudonym J.D. Robb.  Also, Anne Rice who wrote the Vampire Chronicles and about the Mayfaire Witches has recently changed genres after returning to her childhood faith.  Genre, in general, becomes more important when it is time to submit your manuscript to a publisher.  This is because not all publishing houses are the same.  It's important to read submisison guidelines to find what type of books they are looking for to guarantee your manuscript even has a chance of being read.

    I think its great that you have set a goal for yourself.  Writing can be a fun yet demanding job.  I wish you well in your future endeavors.

  2. Well I know of a few very successful authors that write under different genres.  Sherrilyn Kenyon, for example, writes paranormal and military fiction under her real name, then also writes historical and sci-fi books under her pen name, Kinley MacGregor.  I think you should write what you wish to write and don't worry about whether or not it will be published.  Write what's in your heart and soul and only then worry about how you will get others to see it as you do :)

  3. Well, you are kind of young to settle on a particular genre.

    Perhaps you should simply write....

    If you get a good sci-fic idea for a story or book, write that.  

    If you get an idea for a mystery, write that.

    If you get an idea for a good essay write that.

    If you get an idea for a fantasy, write that.

    People change as they get older, so in the meantime, just hone your skills.  (Who knows, you could be one of those RARE multiple genre writers!)

    In the meantime, concentrate on getting good qualified criticism for your output.  And try to get published.  How?

    Many towns have writer's circles, and yes, they even help young writers.

    If there is a story competition in a newspaper, enter it.

    The main idea, is that if you want to be a writer, you will find that the pros merely aim for some kind of quality output each day.

    And essays, poetry, music, stories, book reports, interviews, letters to the editor, are all writing.

    Good Luck.  

    I'd like an autographed copy of your first sold piece!

  4. Trust your gut instinct and do what feels right. But, if you still can't decide on your writing forte think ahead to the future and imagine yourself a successful best seller. Now, in that mindset, what genre of books would you be most proud to have created for your readers?

    Hope this helps.

    P.S. DON'T Self-Publish.

    Send query letters to literary agents that provide a synopsis of your book.

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