
Finding the coefficient friction of static and kinetic force...

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a force of 50.0N is required to start a 6.0kg box to move across a horizontal concrete floor.

A. what is the coefficient of the static friction?

B. if the 50.0N force continues, the box accelerated to 0.80m/s^2. what is the coefficient of kinetic friction?

show the solution please so that i may be able to further understand the problem.




  1. coefficient of static friction =limiting force of static friction/normal force

    =50/normal reaction;where normal reaction =mass x gravity

    gravity =9.8or 10m/s2

    =50/6 x 10


    dunno bt kinetic force...........but coefficent of kinetic friction=forceof kinetic friction/normal reaction..............

    jus check if itz rite.................

  2. Vibha is correct for the static coefficient:

    Force to overcome friction = 50 N = mus * m * g, so

    mus = 50 / 6 / 9.8 = 0.85

    For the kinetic coefficient you need to use F=ma, where

    F=50 N (say to the right)

    Ff = friction force resisting motion (acts to the left) = muk * m * g

    It's the net force (F - Ff) that is causing the given accelleration (0.8), NOT the 50 N force), so

    F - Ff = m * a

    F - muk * m * g = m * a; you know all except muk, so solve for muk:

    muk = (F - m * a) / (m * g)

    muk = (50 - 6 * 0.8) / (6 * 9.8)

    muk = 0.77

    Which is reasonable since usually mus > muk.

    Good Luck!

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