
Fingernail polish got in water?

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My open bottle of fingernail polished was submerged in water. It's now full of water and polish. Is it salvagable? Will it separate, or is it just a waste?




  1. Waste.;...

  2. yeah, its a waste, it will not separate because part of the polish can dissolve in water. it will not be as smooth as before and you will ruin your fingernails by reusing it,,  

  3. A new bottle of that good Sally Hansen SxtremeWear costs 3$, so just toss. Even if what you use is seven bucks, it's not worth the muss, fuss, mess, and inhaled Toulene and Xylene fumes. No, really, nail polishes usually use real toxic industrial solvents that kill brain cells and smell like Satan's posterior.

  4. you can try to see if it will work by closing the lid tight and shaking it up really good, paint one nail then let it dry to see how it turns out.

    if it doesnt look good, through it out.

  5. buy a new one hehe best i can say :]

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