
Fingerprinting in NY

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I have to get fingerprinted in Brooklyn to be able to work in NYC schools. The fingerprints are going to cost me $115. I was told that I don't have to go there but if I go elsewhere it is going to take longer for the state to get them. My question is how long would it take for NYC to get my prints where it be by going to Brooklyn or somewhere else not in the 5 boroughs.




  1. I believe if you get arrested they take your prints for free

  2. You shouldn't have to pay for the fingerprinting yourself.  At my job they sent me out to the state patrol office and they did it electronically.

  3. If you want the job you should get the process done as quickly as possible.  A longer wait could take anywhere from a few weeks to months.

  4. That question does not even deserve an answer
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