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can a persons ethnic origin be determined from their fingerprints or is every ones unique?




  1. Every persons fingerprints are unique for all practical purposes with the chance of two people having duplicate fingerpints being put at around 1 in 24 billion.  You cannot determine ethnic origin from fingerprints.

  2. no. Everyone has an individual print.

    I think there are 4 basic pad (print) forms but you find all 4 in every ethnic group.

  3. everyone's fingerprints are unique

  4. JJ your wrong about the human skull.

                but to answer the question. It depends on who's checking the fingerprints.

  5. what do you mean? i know that no fingure prints are the same, some are similar. and that their are different types of fingure prints like arch and loop and stuf like that but i dont think that changes bc your orgin

  6. its unique by about 1 in every 40 million.  I think DNA can be determined by ethnic.  But wait a minute, doesn't monkeys have fingerprints?

  7. sometimes fingerprints can tell ethnicity, handedness *left-or-right*, immune diseases, just by looking at them. such as: 80+% of white right-handed people with print arches leaning towards thier thumb will go bald and become senile. 90% of African-Americans with yin-tang type swirls on thier four longer left fingers will have parkinsons. 60% of mexicans have n-shaped centers on thier four longer fingers, with no swirl in the center and not leaning towards any side. Also, virtually all whites have different fingerprints because we eat many starches, making the oil-marks *the print* not as deep as mexicans, who typically eat more healthfully, and and much less than blacks, who typically eat more greasy foods. Also, we can tell if your fingers are wide, rough from working hard physical labor, or soft and round, like many asians, and if youve been working on a car lately, or eating at Church's chicken, or picking your nose *hopefully not while eating at Church's chicken* There are more, but it just gets redonkerous after this.

    *wow, some fool gave me a thumbs-down even though my dad has been a crime scene investigator since '73.*

  8. Not really, everyone is unique.

  9. i don't think so.

  10. no everyones unique, now the human skull can detect ethnic, age,and gender
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