So eight days ago, I was having s*x with my partner when all of a sudden the fingers on both of my hands went numb, like they fell asleep. We stopped for a minute and the feeling in my right hand came back very quickly, but my left hand continue to be numb.
Fast forward to a few hours later... all fingers (not the hand, just fingers) on my left hand except my ring finger are still numb. By the next morning, my pinky was back to normal, but my thumb, index and middle fingers were still numb.
Its now been over a week, and my thumb and index fingers still have this numb feeling. Its odd, because I can still feel pressure, pain, hot/cold, etc...but they have this peculiar feeling when I put pressure on them (like picking something up) and the nails are the worst... if I tap my nail on a table it makes the finger tingle.
Any ideas? Could I have had a stroke or little heart attack from over-exertion? Nothing else is apparently wrong with me.
I'm 28, male, 6'1", 250 pounds (42 inch waist).
Thanks for your input.