
Finish college in Canada and work there? or Finish college in the US and work in Canada?

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Hello...ok obviously I'm a Canada person (Canadian who likes Canada better than the US). I am still in high school and will be a senior in the US...I plan to apply to colleges in Canada but do they look at my SAT score? I'm sure they will look at my academic grade, do they have some other tests that I have to take? My mum says if I finish college in the US and go back to Canada, it's easier for me to get a job. Even if I finish college in Canada, it's hard for me to get a job there...Is that true? (my mum lives here in the US for a long time, so not too familiar with situations up in the great north).

Thank you very much...




  1. I am from Korea and go to school in the United States...and I can say that American degrees are VERY much loved by the job industry global (well at least in Asia).

    I would suggest getting your education in the US.  Unless you plan on doing something like medical school or law school, which the requirements are different by country so if you plan to work in a different country from your education, it would be difficult.

    Good luck

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