I'm on page 375 in the textbook, only 250 pages to go, which is only 5 more chapters. Ive been taking notes on everything important in a notebook, and recently went through it and dog tagged all of the pages that I needed to study more(ones with important equations/theorems)
The last five chapters seem to be a lot more complicated then the first nine, so do you lovely people have any tips you could share with me? Also, what are the more important things I should be learning?
Im sad to say I put off learning geometry until halfway into the summer, so Ive been going through a chapter every three days. I learn it, then forget it. I have to take the geometry final at the beginning of September, so I really need to cram.
Any tips/ helpful sites/ anything at all would be very appreciated!
Im going into 10th grade if anyone is wondering, and I got an A in Algebra last year.
Sorry if this is in the wrong catagory, I didnt know where to put it!