
Finish my associates degree or take real estate classes?

by  |  earlier

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I know the market is slow but not around here. houses are moving like hotcakes. With 3 young children at home, I need to find something to do!

I am torn between the 16 week real estate classes and finishing my degree (another year or so).

Should I try and takle both? or is that too much?




  1. Kari,

         Please, Please, please stay in school. Don't settle for a associates degree, use it to step into Bachelors degree. With three young children a degree will consistently earn you more than the ups and downs of the housing market. Think long term and load your 401k when you can. You would be surprised how fast retirement comes.

    Best of luck

  2. to get a real estate degree is only 16 weeks if that is true 4 months is real quick and if u can make money then i would do that an associate degree will not do anything i dont think people will even get hired for an associate i know tons of people with associate degrees just working a regular job and some people with a bachelors just sitting at home waiting for work to be called for him

    Do the real estate it makes good money and you do basically nothing

  3. Anything is possible if you want it bad enough. I'm sure you could do both, but I would stick to college though, if you decide to go with one option.

  4. I love real estate.

  5. You should be able to do both, but if you have to make a choice, get the degree.

    If the degree you're working toward is in the business administration field, it will help you to be a much better Realtor. And if the real estate gig doesn't work out, you'll be better prepared to change fields more easily.

  6. If you can manage to do both, that would be great however you should concentrate on getting the degree for more security. You can always get the real estate license; just make sure to continue to keep that information fresh in your mind by continuing to study on your free time.

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