
Finish the sentence: I can't stand it when <span title="people____________________?">people___________________...</span>

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Finish the sentence: I can't stand it when people___________________...




  1. I can&#039;t stand it when people lie to you about talking to their ex&#039;s and other people of the opposite gender behind your back and then lie to you when you confront them.

  2. say one thing and do another.  And see no inconsistency.

    stare at others in elevators.

    take off the wrapping of sealed perfume bottles in stores and then spritz thenselves.

    don&#039;t use guest towels in powder rooms when using the facilities.

  3. think theyre better then everyone else for no reason.

    How would you finish it?


  4. ask stupid questions

  5. ask me if my girls are twins

    and then they ask me if they are identical? (I would like to say, NO, stupid, they just look EXACTLY alike!)

    pull out in front of me and then drive 5 miles an hour

    pick their noses in public

    stare at someone who is not &quot;like&quot; them

  6. Don&#039;t say &quot;Thank You&quot;...

  7. i cant stand it when...some people are so fake.

  8. sing badly in public

    correct others

    invite themselves over your house

    try to take control

  9. 1. Judge me for no reason.

    2. Are hypocrites.

    3. Correct my grammar wen dey talk lik dis!!11

    4. say ignorant means knowing something is wrong and doing it anyway. WTF! It means not knowing something is wrong and doing it!

    5. Say you shouldn&#039;t label yourself. If it makes you feel like you fit in, go right ahead!

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