
Finish the sentence. you know you are dead when...?

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Finish the sentence. you know you are dead when...?




  1. *

          When you look, you don’t see.


          The scenery never changes.


          The soft parts of you are really hard to find.


          Your peripheral vision yields little new information.


          Darkness is just fine with you.


          Noone hears your voice, and you don’t really hear anyone else’s voice either.


          Days of the week are indistinct.


          You are neither warmer nor coller than you were yesterday.


          The future is quitepredictable.


          Singing is pretty much out of the question.


          Children fail to inspire you.


          The coffee just doesn’t do it for you anymore.


          You can’t get it up.


          You have the same hairdo year after year.


          The color scheme at your place never changes.


          Seldom does anyone just drop by for a visit.


          You haven’t had a new idea or a new friend in years.


          Horseback riding and astronomy no longer interest you.


          You’re certain there’s a lot going on around you, but somehow the sounds of muffled activity are all you can make out.


          You’re DNA has nothing to do so is sort of stuck in place.


          You fail to mutate.


          There’s no difference between your back and your front.


          People can’t tell when you are happy.


          Seldom does anything make you laugh.


          Seasons pass in a blur.


          Deadlines go by without notice.


          Your mailbox accumulates only junk mail.


          You haven’t sent or received a greeting card in a really long time.


          The only invitations you get are from places you used to give money.


          The last book you read is now out of print.


          Nothing stirs your blood.


          In the morning, when you’re creaky and stiff, you don’t bother to stretch it out.


          Everything you’ve ever done or said is now permanent.


          You never make mistakes.


          You don’t buy those cool new shoes.


          Nothing really bugs you.


          You don’t go for walks.


          Noone can get you excited about anything.


          The neighbors have given up trying.


          Invitations are few and far between.


          You haven’t been to the newest restaraunt.


          You can’t find those important remnants of childhood.


          Everything important from your past isn’t of interest to anyone you know.


          You don’t share secrets.


          Not having insurance isn’t a problem.


          Nothing wakes you in the middle of the night - not an idea, a lover, nor a full belly.


          You don’t start, or continue - all you can do is stop.


          You don’t drive fast nor visit new places.


          You’re not much of a conversationalist.


          People think you are listening, but really, you’re not even there.


          You’re point of view very rarely changes.


          Nothing hurts.


          You aren’t amused.


          Even students of strategy and expert entertainers can’t get to you.


          You’re comfortable with others like yourself.


          It makes no difference where you go.


          Suddenly, nothing seems to matter much anymore.


          You can’t say how long you’ve been this way.


          You don’t drink enough water.


          You rarely come out to play.


          You haven’t seen a good movie or a live performance in a really long time.


          Noone wants to share popcorn with you.


          You don’t have anything new to say.


          You have nothing special stowed under your bed.


          All your stories have already been told.


          People remember you only slightly, in a grey and faded sort of way.


          The things that are important to you no longer exist.


          The fabric of your life has been scattered for a long time, and you don’t do anything about it.


          Others feel something is missing, but don’t know how to tell you.


          Relationships with you are flat, no juice.


          Your visitors can only either keep their voices low or get dramatic and hysterical.


          The last time you tried to raise your head, it just didn’t seem worth the trouble.


          You need a good manicure.


          You have no pets.


          You often fail to get your message across.


          You can’t go there.


          You don’t notice that it’s not working.


          You steadfastly refuse.


          You don’t budge.


          You will stare contests, but it’s not all that satisfying.


          You lack gumption.


          You never initiate contact.


          You can’t take credit.


          Though you might sympathize, you rarely express it.


          You hardly notice those close to you are also dead.


          You are unable to repair any damage you have done.


          You’ll never be on time.


          There’s a lot of inertia about you.


          Some people appreciate your steadiness.


          You have no clue about what to do when others are dead.


          You don’t understand people who are alive.


          You can’t seem to find the manual.


          You aren’t responsible for anything.


          You wouldn’t try if you could.


          You can’t go there.


          You fail to recognize an opportunity to contribute.


          You say things like: “You couldn’t possibly …”, “Never again.”, “Not on your life” and “Over my dead body!”


          You feel comfortable letting life pass you by.


          You never bake anymore.


          You can’t say how long you’ve been this way.

  2. The room has shrunk to 72"x19" and its very dark.

  3. You are falling from an airplane without a parachute

  4. you see the light...

    but then you might be in a tunnel

  5. when they cut off your head

  6. your head falls off and rolls down a drain.

  7. stop thinking

  8. Your mother finds out you broke the vacuum.

  9. are wondering if you are

  10. when you get busted doing somtin really rong, or wharn you are in the middle of a gang fight

  11. you get caught looking at pornography

  12. your dead

  13. your head gets chopped off and you are looking at your body across the room??

  14. when there is disaster

  15. "Shradha s" is alive. That is........never.

  16. ". . . you suddenly find yourself riding alone . . ."

    Maximus, from the film "Gladiator"

  17. You know you are dead when you get all the flashbacks of the highlights you did in your entire like like a filmstrip going on real fast. This could also happen when you are leaving your home from your family.

    Also, you would feel like you want to say something to 'someone' but you cannot let your words out properly.

    Another thing is that when you feel happy to sleep for very long, long session you can never imagine... ( Means obviousy you know your dead!)

  18. You don't. As Descartes once said "I think, therefor I am". You can't know when your dead, as there is a cease in thought and conciousness. If you're capable of thought (any kind) then your alive.

    So, although you may be dead, you certainly won't know about it. There is no knowing in death.

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