
Finish this sentence: After I eat at McDonalds I....?

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Finish this sentence: After I eat at McDonalds I....?




  1. feel gross so id ont eat there

  2. go to sleep, because I would have to be hungover to eat McDonald's!

  3. wonder whatever happened to the hamburglar

  4. feel stuffed, and sick and deffinately regret eating it and wonder why i even ate there

  5. feel sick

  6. run to a toilet and try to get it out of my system via any means possible. the alcohol would help, because i would have to be completely sh*tfaced to go anywhere NEAR a mcdonalds haha

  7. go to the bathroom

  8. Throw up from the grease sliding down my throat.

  9. well i dont go to mcdonalds cause its fattening and disgusting

  10. feel guilty.

    ("Trying" to loose weight....)

  11. Get the McStomachAche

  12. I go home happy and make myself a nice pot of coffee. Then I walk on my treadmill for 40 minutes and I don't feel guilty. So many people saying really nasty things. Why eat there, then? I guess if I ate a Big Mac I would feel yucky. But, I eat either 6 McNuggets or a Snack Wrap.

  13. go to burger king then to wendy's then back to mc donalds. because its welfare day. yehaa

  14. need to poo

  15. usually regret it

  16. ...want to puke.

    ...fill like sh**.


  17. after I eat at McDonalds I feel sick to my stomach

  18. throw up

  19. crave more

  20. exercise to get rid of all that fat!

  21. Feel full and happy.

  22. feel guilty!

  23. gain weight

  24. I am so full I have to go to the bathroom and take a nap.  It only take a couple of weeks to get it digested.

  25. punch the clown in the face. clowns scare me.

  26. burp a lot and go to the bathroom

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