
Finish this sentence: I really hate it when___________?

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Finish this sentence: I really hate it when___________?




  1. 1. people at school are with their friends walking in the hallway and talking at they so time so they walk REALLY slow and i get stuck behind them.

    2. you're driving and you want to turn a right on a busy street and none of the cars on the oppisite side won't stop for you so you can make a turn.

  2. people judge other people because of how they dress

  3. People treat me like sh*t.  

  4. all i want is i kiss and hug from him, and he just pushes me away!! and the excuses that come with the pushing!!

    this happens every weekend when he is at home!!

    this makes me feel unloved by him, not wanted / used  and i want to have a break from it ~ I hate it!!

  5. people chew with their mouth open  

  6. dog begs for my food

  7. takes a breather!

  8. people preach that they are all about originality , and they are wearing abracrombie and fitch and listening to the jonas brothers.

  9. when people post useless questions like this ^^

  10. People use you and then disappear.

  11. i wash my hands and i touch paper and i get that shivery feeling.

    no one ever knows what i mean when i say that =/

  12. I get a fill in the blank question

  13. people come to a complete stop to make a right turn.

  14. When People Treat Me Rudely  

  15. people sing along to songs, when they dont even know the words.

  16. My nuts itch in public.

  17. You feel all normal then you diarrhea in your pants.

  18. you hate me

  19. i really hate it when i can not think of one thing to focus on that i hate!

  20. people don't have a good taste in music!

  21. I lose internet connection

  22. I really hate it when I get mad

  23. I am lying down and my wifes wobbles my tummy and sings "jelly on the plate"

  24. people ask pointless, stupid questions on Yahoo!answers.This ? isn't pointless & stupid but asking why the moon is yellow is. By the way, "Why is the moon yellow?"

  25. you f**t and blood comes out

  26. everyone points at you whenever a f**t is heard

  27. people think that women alway has to feminine

  28. something major breaks/goes wrong with the house

  29. my steak at a restaurant is not cooked a perfect , medium rare . lol

    this morning it was perfect , yay.   d.

  30. i feel crummy

  31. ...There is think edges around yoghurts =[

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