
Finish this sentence: You KNOW the world is going to end when ____________?

by  |  earlier

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hahaha. very funny 2 the first guy.




  1. you know the world is about to end when_____

    ___ everyone happens to say, 'we've tried our best. We cannot stop this tragic thing from happening. Everything has to come to an end... and this is now the world's time to go.''

  2. you know the world is going to end when - america thinks a black president is going to get us out of debt.

  3. .....our planet suddenly stops in its rotation.


    Ps.. I am amused that the asker has found a scientific fact to be funny.

  4. We hear trumpets blowing and Jesus returns to take us to Heaven.

  5. When Chery gives an answer that doesn't involve Jesus.

    When Britney Spears wins the Nobel Prize for Physics.

    When Paris Hilton is sober for more than 4 hours straight.

    When the Weekly World News starts printing factual news.

    When liberal politicians start proposing tax cuts.

    When conservative politicians start voting to legalize g*y marriage.

    When McDonald's menu is proclaimed "The Healthiest Food On Earth."

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