
Finish this sentence (just for fun)?

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If I was president for the day I would......................(fill in the blank)




  1. declare a private looting session under the self made presedential looting act 23rd Aug 2008 ending 24th Aug 2008.  

    If you make me president i'll loot you a diamond, If you make me best answer i'll loot you 3 points, a thumbs up and a star!

  2. legalize marijuana.

    or attempt to..

  3. send every able-bodied chickenhawk that SAYS they "support the war in iraq" to go and actually FIGHT for what they say they believe in.

  4. make everybody equal by abolishing welfare.

  5. make all dumb *** celebs sit the f***k down and STFU, their hogging the TV!  -_-

  6. ban all trolls!!!!!! bwahahaha

  7. If I were president of this land, I'd declare total war on the pusher man.

  8. have hilary clintn and britney spears killed

  9. Play Team fortress 2, halflife 2, and garrys mod untill my eyes popped out of my head.

  10. ...immediately ratify the Kyoto Protocol, reinstate regulations on energy speculation, roll back the Bush tax cuts, sign an executive order calling for American troops to be completely withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan within 9 months, and announce strong support for the right of Palestinians to have a home.

  11. nuke something

  12. i would be the first woman to be president. and there would be change  

  13. ...gather for myself as much money as possible.

  14. stop world hunger,stop chinese fur farms from killing animals,slowly get troops from iraq back home,help with the pollution cause,and ........ banish lindsay lohan to rehab until shes stable(brittany ur next on my list, same goes for u paris hilton)

  15. Do away with the welfare system for good.  

  16. say i had to be pres forEVER

    answer mine PLEASE!!!!!!;...

  17. Präsidenten essen Esel p**p!  

  18. Deport all illegals including Obama

  19. Abolish every Amendment after the bill of rights, round up the controllers of the main stream media and have them shot, blow up the UN.  That would fix a bunch.

  20. Ban 50% blobs and 50% men environments.

  21. yell at all the rascist pr!c#s

    and tell some of the black community to get it together to and come down harder on the drugs and violence

  22. resign

  23. Nationalize healthcare and make the Presidential terms shorter.

  24. If I was president for one day I would make sure i got a coupla heavies to beat up Obama!

    Nah Obama 08 :)

  25. Fill a pool with money and swim in it and then i would go eat a taco cuz they are yummy!!

  26. make an AirForce pilot take me for a ride in an F-16....(there's no way to get anything important done in a day!!)

  27. Declare it Brittany Danielle day.

  28. End war, fight disease and poverty, sign Executive Orders banning torture and illegal wiretaps, balance the budget and cut taxes and then I would throw one totally awesome party!

  29. declare Martial Law and throw everyone out of Congress, hold a special election and get people in there that will actually represent the will of the people, and charge Pelosi and company with treason.

  30. Id play World of Warcraft on the presidents SUPER fast computer, Id Pwn all the noobs.  

  31. Sentence All The Rapists And Murderers To Life In Prison! :D x

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