
Finish this statement--plus-- a few Q's......?

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The offseason can be sooo boring sometimes, that________________??


1-- Which goalie will lead the league this upcoming season in PIM??

2-- Which goalie will lead in points??

3-- Does Mick McGeough need Lasik surgery or a retinal transplant??

4-- How many Crayola colors have been introduced thanks to Don Cherry's wardrobe ??

Have fun people--- Summer Sucks, Drop the Puck!!!




  1. the offseason can be sooo boring sometimes, that i just want to hibernate till the season starts.

    1. johan hedberg (

    2. nabokov

    3. ??? he needs to be replaced. idk, i dont pay attention much to refs, just calls

    4. how many crayola colors are there?

  2. I actually saw some of the Summer Olympics.

    1. Fleury

    2. Broduar

    3. Lasik surgery

    4. 900

  3. I want to answer AT & T questions.

    1-Ron Hextall

    2-Marty Brodeur

    3-A new name-Ohhhhhhhh Magooooooooo!

    4-Is c**p a color?I know nude is but we don't need to see Archie Bunker nekked.

  4. The offseason can be sooo boring somtimes, that I post on yahoo answers.

    1- Luongo

    2- Luongo

    3- Luongo

    4- Luongo

  5. The offseason can be sooo boring sometimes that I find myself rocking back and forth in the corner crying for hockey haha

    1 - I'll say Ryan Miller

    2 - Vokoun ?

    3 - Both

    4 - Countless, but I'll say about 279

    Drop the Puck indeed =)

  6. the offseason can be sooo boring sometimes that i just wanna shoot myself

    1. Ray em o wait uhh hmm im not sure

    2. Turco

    3. both

    4. 25

  7. This summer can be soo boring that, We Canadians may get just bored enough t go to the States for some official Gestapo border harrasment.

    1. I would love to say Cujo

    2. See above.

    3. Yes

    4. Enough. Cherry is a folk hero and I will defend him forever.

  8. rigggggghhhttt... no.

  9. ...I almost start to like football as much as hockey

    1 - I thought PIM's for goalies were assigned to other players?

    2 - Which ever goalies are NOT in my pool

    3 - both

    4 - Actually, 57 new colors have been discovered by scientists in Don Cherry's suits.

  10. That it makes me go mad that I used up all of my vodka celebrating the day after the Wings won, and didn't spare any bottles for the offseason.

    1. Martin Brodeur.

    2. Pascal Leclaire.

    3. What he needs is to get a cucumber in his r****m. That will widen his eyes eh?

    4. 57 artificial and 44 natural colors.

  11. ....I play golf. If golf cannot be played, I play my NHL 09.

    1. Theodore.

    2. Turco.

    3. New brain.

    4. All the colours of the rainbow!

  12. That I actually watch TENNIS!!! (oh and I hate watching tennis)

    1. Brodeur.... or maybe even Osgood.

    2. Brodeur

    3. uh.... retinal transplant

    4. LOL.... too many to count!


  13. Hi

    The offseason can e sooo boring sometimes, that I just have to release the tension in ways normally reserved for the advancement of our society.

    1 Biron

    2 Loungo, only way the Canucks do anything is with him doing it on both ends of the ice.

    3 Neither, its a rare known fact, but you can ask Lubers about it, they rearrange the nerves from eye to brain in refs so that they do not see much.

    4 23 of them none used outside of North America.

    Thank You

  14. That I try to go on a camping trip with my parents, sister and dog......then early in the morning before we leave I have to rush our cat to the vet and learn he needs surgery, then when we leave our car breaks down two hours away from our camp site THEN I get stuck in the middle of nowhere sitting on a park bench for 4 hours, then my dad comes back with the truck from our house and the breaks stop working and we almost cause a scene on the road......THEN we get stuck in the retarded little town for two more hours and I get a ride back with my dad and some random guy and leave my mom, sister and dog for my dad to pick up now. >=O So much for camping around the ole camp fire singing songs..............Today has been a looonnng day. The only upside that it's almost September, which means it's almosty OCtober which means HOCKEY! Which means s***w camping.

    1. Martin Biron (just a wild guess)

    2. Marty Brodeur

    3. I'm going to say retinal transplant.

    4. LOL.

    Summer does suck.......and so does having two cars get broken down in the middle of nowhere! Drop the d**n puck already and make my day!!!!

  15. The offseason can be sooo boring sometimes, that I answer the misplaced questions in the hockey section.

    1.) Rick DiPietro lead goalies in PIM this past season, so maybe he's hoping for a repeat!

    2.) I'm gonna say Brodeur and DiPietro because they both like to play the puck, so they're probably going to get a couple of assists.

    3.) Neither, so he can get fired quicker.

    4.) I'm gonna take a wild guess and go with 521.  Don Cherry inspired the especially odd names such as Macaroni and Cheese, and Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown.

  16. The offseason can be sooo boring sometimes, that________________??

    a) watching paint dry can be exciting.

    b) watching the static on TV is the height of the day.

    c) Chuck Norris movies become interesting.

    d) reading the phone book is preferrable to reading about the Phillies.

    e) washing dishes becomes entertaining.

    f) even shooting squirrels with the bb gun gets old.

    g) reading the info on my truck tires is cool.

    h) I sometimes get the urge to just run as fast as I can into a tree.

    i) reading the Yahoo blog passes the time.

    j) the neighbors dog becomes a capable conversationalist.

    k) the neighbors dog seems like he could run Yahoo.

    l) watching the barometer is the highlight of some days.

    m) I actually learn something substantial.

    n) I make meaningless spreadsheets about anything quantifiable.

    o) another Stanley Cup-less season is preferrable to nothing.

    p) I actually follow the NFL preseason games with INTEREST.

    q) I really do stop and smell the roses.

    r) I smell the sewage plant even while moving into better squirrel shooting position.

    s) I change the oil ON SCHEDULE.

    t) even the smallest details on the "To do" list are done.

    u) I watch the fishing shows for excitment.

    v) I notice the important things in life.

    w) my tools are actually organized and the toolboxes are clean.

    x) I read the Op-Ed page in the paper.

    y) I read the entire paper instead of just the sports page.

    z) I become reacquainted with my family.

    1 - Martin Brodeur

    2 - Marty Biron for all the rebounds he leaves.

    3 - Mr. Magoo needs all the help he can get.

    4 - At least a dozen.

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